import * as assert from 'assert' import * as core from '@actions/core' import * as exec from '@actions/exec' import * as fs from 'fs' import * as io from '@actions/io' import * as os from 'os' import * as path from 'path' import * as stateHelper from './state-helper' import {default as uuid} from 'uuid/v4' import {IGitCommandManager} from './git-command-manager' import {IGitSourceSettings} from './git-source-settings' const IS_WINDOWS = process.platform === 'win32' const HOSTNAME = '' const EXTRA_HEADER_KEY = `http.https://${HOSTNAME}/.extraheader` export interface IGitAuthHelper { configureAuth(): Promise removeAuth(): Promise } export function createAuthHelper( git: IGitCommandManager, settings?: IGitSourceSettings ): IGitAuthHelper { return new GitAuthHelper(git, settings) } class GitAuthHelper { private git: IGitCommandManager private settings: IGitSourceSettings constructor( gitCommandManager: IGitCommandManager, gitSourceSettings?: IGitSourceSettings ) { this.git = gitCommandManager this.settings = gitSourceSettings || (({} as unknown) as IGitSourceSettings) } async configureAuth(): Promise { // Remove possible previous values await this.removeAuth() // Configure new values await this.configureToken() } async removeAuth(): Promise { await this.removeToken() } private async configureToken(): Promise { // Configure a placeholder value. This approach avoids the credential being captured // by process creation audit events, which are commonly logged. For more information, // refer to const placeholder = `AUTHORIZATION: basic ***` await this.git.config(EXTRA_HEADER_KEY, placeholder) // Determine the basic credential value const basicCredential = Buffer.from( `x-access-token:${this.settings.authToken}`, 'utf8' ).toString('base64') core.setSecret(basicCredential) // Replace the value in the config file const configPath = path.join( this.git.getWorkingDirectory(), '.git', 'config' ) let content = (await fs.promises.readFile(configPath)).toString() const placeholderIndex = content.indexOf(placeholder) if ( placeholderIndex < 0 || placeholderIndex != content.lastIndexOf(placeholder) ) { throw new Error('Unable to replace auth placeholder in .git/config') } content = content.replace( placeholder, `AUTHORIZATION: basic ${basicCredential}` ) await fs.promises.writeFile(configPath, content) } private async removeToken(): Promise { // HTTP extra header await this.removeGitConfig(EXTRA_HEADER_KEY) } private async removeGitConfig(configKey: string): Promise { if ( (await this.git.configExists(configKey)) && !(await this.git.tryConfigUnset(configKey)) ) { // Load the config contents core.warning(`Failed to remove '${configKey}' from the git config`) } } }