""" This type stub file was generated by pyright. """ from sense_hat.stick import SenseStick class SenseHat: SENSE_HAT_FB_NAME = ... SENSE_HAT_FB_FBIOGET_GAMMA = ... SENSE_HAT_FB_FBIOSET_GAMMA = ... SENSE_HAT_FB_FBIORESET_GAMMA = ... SENSE_HAT_FB_GAMMA_DEFAULT = ... SENSE_HAT_FB_GAMMA_LOW = ... SENSE_HAT_FB_GAMMA_USER = ... SETTINGS_HOME_PATH = ... def __init__(self, imu_settings_file=..., text_assets=...) -> None: ... @property def stick(self) -> SenseStick: ... @property def colour(self): ... color = ... def has_colour_sensor(self): ... @property def rotation(self): ... @rotation.setter def rotation(self, r): ... def set_rotation(self, r=..., redraw=...): # -> None: """ Sets the LED matrix rotation for viewing, adjust if the Pi is upside down or sideways. 0 is with the Pi HDMI port facing downwards """ ... def flip_h(self, redraw=...): # -> list[Any]: """ Flip LED matrix horizontal """ ... def flip_v(self, redraw=...): # -> list[Any]: """ Flip LED matrix vertical """ ... def set_pixels(self, pixel_list: list[tuple[int, int, int]]) -> None: # -> None: """ Accepts a list containing 64 smaller lists of [R,G,B] pixels and updates the LED matrix. R,G,B elements must integers between 0 and 255 """ ... def get_pixels(self): # -> list[Any]: """ Returns a list containing 64 smaller lists of [R,G,B] pixels representing what is currently displayed on the LED matrix """ ... def set_pixel(self, x, y, *args): # -> None: """ Updates the single [R,G,B] pixel specified by x and y on the LED matrix Top left = 0,0 Bottom right = 7,7 e.g. ap.set_pixel(x, y, r, g, b) or pixel = (r, g, b) ap.set_pixel(x, y, pixel) """ ... def get_pixel(self, x, y): # -> list[int]: """ Returns a list of [R,G,B] representing the pixel specified by x and y on the LED matrix. Top left = 0,0 Bottom right = 7,7 """ ... def load_image(self, file_path, redraw=...): # -> list[list[Any]]: """ Accepts a path to an 8 x 8 image file and updates the LED matrix with the image """ ... def clear(self, *args): # -> None: """ Clears the LED matrix with a single colour, default is black / off e.g. ap.clear() or ap.clear(r, g, b) or colour = (r, g, b) ap.clear(colour) """ ... def show_message( self, text_string, scroll_speed=..., text_colour=..., back_colour=... ): # -> None: """ Scrolls a string of text across the LED matrix using the specified speed and colours """ ... def show_letter(self, s, text_colour=..., back_colour=...): # -> None: """ Displays a single text character on the LED matrix using the specified colours """ ... @property def gamma(self): ... @gamma.setter def gamma(self, buffer): ... def gamma_reset(self) -> None: # -> None: """ Resets the LED matrix gamma correction to default """ ... @property def low_light(self): ... @low_light.setter def low_light(self, value): ... def get_humidity(self): # -> Literal[0]: """ Returns the percentage of relative humidity """ ... @property def humidity(self): ... def get_temperature_from_humidity(self): # -> Literal[0]: """ Returns the temperature in Celsius from the humidity sensor """ ... def get_temperature_from_pressure(self): # -> Literal[0]: """ Returns the temperature in Celsius from the pressure sensor """ ... def get_temperature(self): # -> Literal[0]: """ Returns the temperature in Celsius """ ... @property def temp(self): ... @property def temperature(self): ... def get_pressure(self): # -> Literal[0]: """ Returns the pressure in Millibars """ ... @property def pressure(self): ... def set_imu_config(self, compass_enabled, gyro_enabled, accel_enabled): # -> None: """ Enables and disables the gyroscope, accelerometer and/or magnetometer input to the orientation functions """ ... def get_orientation_radians(self): # -> dict[str, Any] | dict[str, int]: """ Returns a dictionary object to represent the current orientation in radians using the aircraft principal axes of pitch, roll and yaw """ ... @property def orientation_radians(self): ... def get_orientation_degrees(self): # -> dict[str, Any] | dict[str, int]: """ Returns a dictionary object to represent the current orientation in degrees, 0 to 360, using the aircraft principal axes of pitch, roll and yaw """ ... def get_orientation(self): ... @property def orientation(self): ... def get_compass(self): # -> int | None: """ Gets the direction of North from the magnetometer in degrees """ ... @property def compass(self): ... def get_compass_raw(self): # -> dict[str, Any] | dict[str, int]: """ Magnetometer x y z raw data in uT (micro teslas) """ ... @property def compass_raw(self): ... def get_gyroscope(self): # -> dict[str, Any] | dict[str, int]: """ Gets the orientation in degrees from the gyroscope only """ ... @property def gyro(self): ... @property def gyroscope(self): ... def get_gyroscope_raw(self): # -> dict[str, Any] | dict[str, int]: """ Gyroscope x y z raw data in radians per second """ ... @property def gyro_raw(self): ... @property def gyroscope_raw(self): ... def get_accelerometer(self): # -> dict[str, Any] | dict[str, int]: """ Gets the orientation in degrees from the accelerometer only """ ... @property def accel(self): ... @property def accelerometer(self): ... def get_accelerometer_raw( self, ) -> dict[str, int]: # -> dict[str, Any] | dict[str, int]: """ Accelerometer x y z raw data in Gs """ ... @property def accel_raw(self): ... @property def accelerometer_raw(self): ...