\chapter{Literature Review} In this chapter, literature relevant to the present study will be reviewed. Three sections will be detailled: the separation of incident and reflected components from wave measurements, the modelisation of wave impacts on a rubble-mound breakwater, and the modelisation of block displacement by wave impacts. \section{Separating incident and reflected components from wave buoy data} \subsection{Introduction} The separation of incident and reflected waves is a crucial step in numerically modeling a sea state. Using the raw data from a buoy as the input of a wave model will lead to incorrect results in the domain as the flow velocity at the boundary will not be correctly generated. Several methods exist to extract incident and reflected components in measured sea states, and they can generally be categorised in two types of methods: array methods and PUV methods \parencite{inch2016accurate}. Array methods rely on the use of multiple measurement points of water level to extracted the incident and reflected waves, while PUV methods use co-located pressure and velocity measurements to separate incident and reflected components of the signal. \subsection{Array methods} \subsubsection{2-point methods} Array methods were developped as a way to isolate incident and reflected wave components using multiple wave records. \textcite{goda1977estimation,morden1977decomposition} used two wave gauges located along the wave direction, along with spectral analysis, in order to extract the incident and reflected wave spectra. Their work is based on the earlier work of \textcite{thornton1972spectral}. \textcite{goda1977estimation} analyzed the wave spectrum components using the Fast Fourier Transform, and suggests that this method is adequate for studies in wave flumes. They noted that this method provides diverging results for gauge spacings that are multiples of half of the wave length. \textcite{morden1977decomposition} applies this technique to a field study, where the sea state is wind generated. \textcite{morden1977decomposition} showed that, using appropriate spectral analysis methods along with linear wave theory, the decomposition of the sea state into incident and reflected waves is accurate. A relation between the maximum obtainable frequency and the distance between the sensors is provided. According to \textcite{morden1977decomposition}, the only needed knowledge on the wave environment is that wave frequencies are not modified by the reflection process. \subsubsection{3-point methods} In order to alleviate the limitations from the 2-point methods, \textcite{mansard1980measurement} introduced a 3-point method. The addition of a supplementary measurement point along with the use of a least-squares method most importantly provided less sensitivity to noise, non-linear interactions, and probe spacing. The admissible frequency range could also be widened. A similar method was proposed by \textcite{gaillard1980}. The accuracy of the method for the estimation of incident and reflected wave components was once again highlighted, while the importance of adequate positioning of the gauges was still noted. \subsubsection{Time-domain method} \textcite{frigaard1995time} presented a time-domain method for reflected and incident wave separation. This method, called SIRW method, used discrete filters to extract the incident component of an irregular wave field. The results were as accurate as with the method proposed by \cite{goda1977estimation}, while singularity points are better accounted for. The main advantage of the SIRW method is that it works in the time-domain, meaning that real time computations can be performed. \textcite{frigaard1995time} also mentions the possibility of replacing one of the wave gauges by a velocity meters to prevent singularities. This method was improved by \textcite{baldock1999separation} in order to account for arbitrary bathymetry. Linear theory is used to compute shoaling on the varying bathymetry. Resulting errors in the computed reflection coefficient are low for large reflection coefficients, but increase with lower coefficients. The neglect of shoaling can lead to important error in many cases. The presented method could also be extended to three-dimensionnal waves and bathymetry by considering the influence of refraction. \subsubsection{Further improvements} Further additions were made to array methods. \textcite{suh2001separation} developped a method taking constant current into account to separate incident and reflected waves. This method relies on two or more gauges, using a least squares method. Results are very accurate in the absence of noise, but a small amount of error appears when noise is added. \textcite{inch2016accurate} noticed that the presence of noise lead to overestimation of reflection coefficient. The creation of bias lookup tables is proposed in order to account for noise-induced error in reflection coefficient estimations. \textcite{andersen2017estimation,roge2019estimation} later proposed improvements to account for highly non-linear regular and irregular waves respectively. The improved method provides very accurate results for highly non-linear waves, but are expected to be unreliable in the case of steep seabeds, as shoaling is not part of the underlying model. \subsubsection{Conclusion} Array methods have been developped enough to provide accurate results in a wide range of situations. Sensibility to noise has been reduced, and the influence of shoaling has been considered. Those methods can also be applied to irregular non-linear waves. However, they require at least two wave gauges to be used. That means that in some situations such as the Saint-Jean-de-Luz event of 2017, other methods are needed since only one field measurement location is available. \subsection{PUV methods} The goal of PUV methods is to decompose the wave field into incident and reflected waves using co-located wave elevation and flow velocity measurements \parencite{tatavarti1989incoming}. \textcite{tatavarti1989incoming} presented a detailled analysis of separation of incoming and outging waves using co-located velocity and wave height sensors. Their method allows to obtain the reflection coefficient relative to frequency, as well as to separate incident and reflected wave components. Compared to array methods, this method also strongly reduces the influence of noise. \textcite{kubota1990} studied the influence of the considered wave theory on incident and reflected wave separation. Three methods, based on linear long-wave theory, small-amplitude wave theory and quasi-nonlinear long-wave theory respectiveley were developped and compared. The results show that the quasi-nonlinear approach gave the most accurate results. %\textcite{walton1992} applied a separation method based on co-located pressure %and velocity measurements on field, studying two natural beaches. This study %showed that reflection is not significant on natural beaches. Additionnaly, %the method that is used allowed for larger reflected energy than incident %energy. Research by \textcite{hughes1993} showed how co-located horizontal velocity and vertical velocity (or pressure) sensors can be used to extract incident and reflected wave spectra. Their method is based on frequency domain linear theory, and provided accurate results for full reflection of irregular non-breaking waves. Low-reflection scenarii were evaluated against the results from \textcite{goda1977estimation}, and showed good agreement between both methods. \textcite{hughes1993} also highlights that reflection estimates are unreliable for higher frequency, where coherency between the two measured series is lower. Following the work of \textcite{tatavarti1989incoming}, \textcite{huntley1999use} showed how principal component analysis can alleviate noise-induced bias in reflection coefficient calculations compared to time-domain analysis. They also stuied the influence of imperfect collocation of the sensors, showing that the time delay between sensors leads to a peak in the reflection coefficient at a frequency related to this time delta. %%% TODO? %%% % \cite{sheremet2002observations} \subsection{Conclusion} Numerous methods have been developped in order to separate incident and reflected components from wave measurements. Array methods rely on the use of multiple, generally aligned, wave gauges, while PUV methods rely on the use of co-located sensors, generally a wave height sensor and a horizontal velocity sensor. Array methods generally have the advantage of being more cost-effective to implement, as the cost of reliable velocity measurement devices can be important \parencite{hughes1993}. Nevertheless, PUV methods are generally more accurate regarding noise, varying bathymetry, and can be setup closer to reflective surfaces \parencite{hughes1993,inch2016accurate}. In the case of the 2017 event on the Artha breakwater, the results from a single wave gauge are available, which means that the array methods are not applicable. A PUV method \parencite{tatavarti1989incoming,huntley1999use} should then be used to evaluate the reflection coefficient of the Artha breakwater and to separate the incident and reflected wave components from the measured data. \section{Modelling wave impact on a breakwater} \subsection{Introduction} Modelling rubble-mound breakwaters such as the Artha breakwater requires complex considerations on several aspects. First of all, an accurate of the fluid's behavior in the porous armour of the breakwater is necessary. Then, adequate turbulence models are needed in order to obtain accurate results. Several types of models have been developped that can be used to study breaking wave flow on a porous breakwater. \subsection{SPH models} \subsubsection{Introduction} Smoothed-Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) models rely on a Lagrangian representation of the fluid \parencite{violeau2012fluid}. These models are meshless, and work by considering fluids as a collection of particles. SPH models have been shown to provide satisfactory results for the modeling of turbulent free surface flows \parencite{violeau2007numerical}. Additionnaly, \textcite{dalrymple2006numerical} showed that SPH models can be used in small scale models of water waves. In this part, literature on modeling flow in porous media and the adequate boundary conditions for wave modeling will be reviewed. \subsubsection{Porosity modelling} Multiple approaches can be used when modeling porous media using SPH models. The most obvious approach relies on the use of discrete elements in the porous domain. For instance, \textcite{altomare2014numerical} showed that an SPH model along with discrete modeling of the blocks composing a breakwater could yield satisfactory results. The meshless character of SPH models allows for modeling the large scale outside the porous media and the small scale of the space between blocks effectively. Nevertheless, the more common approach is to use a macro-scale model in porous media, in which the porous domain is considered to have a set of homogeneous properties. \textcite{jiang2007mesoscale} used randomly placed fixed particles in the porous media in order to model porosity at a microscopic scale from mesoscopic porosity properties. The resulting model showed reliable results in studying the flow through porous media. By contrast, \textcite{shao2010} used volume-averaged Navier-Stokes equations along with an averaged porosity model \parencite{huang2003structural,burcharth1995one} in an incompressible SPH (ISPH) model in order to model wave flow in porous media, accounting for a linear and quadratic term in porosity induced friction. Turbulence was modeled with a $k-\varepsilon$ volume averaged model. Good agreement was highlighted between the results from this model and other models, analytical results and experimental measurements for solitary and regular waves interacting with a porous breakwater. Similarly, \textcite{ren2016improved} presents a weakly-compressible SPH (WCSPH) model using the volume averaged Favre averaged Navier-Stokes (VAFANS) equations along with a large Eddy simulation (LES, \cite{ren2014numerical}) turbulence model. Interaction between turbulent flows and porous media is studied and good agreement is shown between model results and experimental data. Additionnaly, it is highlighted that the addition of the turbulence model does increase the accuracy of the model. Similar results are found by \textcite{wen2016sph} when studying wave impact on non-porous structures using the same model. The same model was then extended to a three-dimensional model by \textcite{wen20183d}. The computed free surface and forces on a structure were shown to be accurately predicted by the 3D model. %\paragraph{Notes} % %\cite{jiang2007mesoscale}: Meso-scale SPH model of flow in isotropic porous %media; randomly placed particles with repulsive force; reasonable results. % %\cite{shao2010}: incompressible flow with porous media; Navier-Stokes, %Volume-Averaged $k-\varepsilon$; porosity model is same as %\cite{troch1999development} but without inertia term %\parencite{huang2003structural} % %\cite{altomare2014numerical} "microscopic" model of breakwater % %\cite{kunz2016study} comparison of sph model with micro-model experiments; not %quite applicable % %\textbf{\cite{ren2016improved}} VAFANS equations to solve incompressible %turbulent flow with porous media. Same porosity model as \cite{shao2010} % %\cite{wen2016sph} % %\cite{pahar2016modeling} %\cite{peng2017multiphase} %\cite{wen20183d}: 3D VAFANS %\cite{kazemi2020sph} \subsubsection{Wave generation} One of the more recent research subject with SPH models has been wave generation. Wave paddles were initially used as a way to generate waves in numerical basins \parencite{zheng2010numerical}, with the major drawback of such wave makers begin their high reflectivity. \textcite{liu2015isph} proposed an improved wave generator using a momentum source in an ISPH model. The use of a momentum source was a major improvement as it enabled the use of non-reflective wave generators. The proposed solution was developed for two-dimensional linear waves, but the same algorithm could be used for three-dimensional models. \textcite{altomare2017long} presented a wave generation method for long-crested (second order) waves in a WCSPH model using a piston wave maker. Although this method leads to high reflection, but the possibility of generating irregular waves was highlighted. Similarly to \textcite{liu2015isph}, \textcite{wen2018non} proposed a wave generation method using a momentum source to create a non reflective wave maker. The proposed method was used for generating regular as well as random waves in a flume, and could be extended to three-dimensional simulations. Nevertheless, the method proposed was limited to linear wave theory. %\cite{zheng2010numerical} % %\cite{liu2015isph}: 2D non-reflective linear wave generator using a momentum %source in ISPH % %\cite{altomare2017long}: Wave generation and absorption of long-crested waves %(2nd order) in WCSPH. Generation of monochromatic as well as irregular waves. % %\cite{wen2018non}: Non reflective spectral wave maker, using momentum source \subsubsection{Conclusion} SPH models have been showed to be extremely powerful tools in modelling wave-structure interaction, due to their ability to model complex interfaces and highly dynamic situations \parencite{altomare2017long}. Modeling wave interaction with porous structures using SPH models has been widely studied, and generally adequate results are obtained \parencite{wen20183d}. Nonetheless, SPH models still face some limitations regarding their ability to represent incompressible flows, leading to high diffusivity \parencite{higuera2015application}. Moreover, wave-generation techniques, especially for long simulations, are still at an early stage of developement \parencite{wen2018non}, limiting the applicability to such models in studying real cases using in-situ data. \subsection{VOF models} \subsubsection{Introduction} Contrary to SPH models, the volume of fluid (VOF) method relies on a Eulerian representation of the fluid \parencite{hirt1981volume}. This method uses a marker function, the value of which represents the fraction of fluid in a cell. \subsubsection{2D models} Using the VOF method along with Navier-Stokes equations, several models have been developed in order to model fluid dynamics around porous structures. \textcite{van1995wave} first implemented 2D-V incompressible Navier-Stokes equations using the VOF method while accounting for porous media. The results of the numerical model were validated with analytical solutions for simple cases, as well as physical model tests. The model yielded acceptable results, but the representation of turbulence and air-extrusion still required improvement. \textcite{troch1999development} developed the VOFbreak\textsuperscript{2} model in order to provide improvements to earlier models. The Forchheimer theory \parencite{burcharth1995one} is used in order to model the behavior of the flow inside porous media. The hydraulic gradient generated in porous media is decomposed as a linear term, a quadratic term, and an inertia term. Those terms are ponderated by three coefficients that need to be calibrated. Several attempts have been made to obtain analytical formulas for those \parencite{burcharth1995one,van1995wave}, but no universal result has been provided for the inertia term in particular. \textcite{vieira2021novel} additionnaly proposed using artificial neural networks in order to calibrate those values, which are generally calibrated using experimental results. Parallely, \textcite{liu1999numerical} created a new model (COBRAS) that used the VOF method. The model is based on the combination of Reynolds averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) equations and a $k-\varepsilon$ turbulence model. The porous media is modelled similarly to \textcite{troch1999development}. The offered results were improved compared to earlier models as more a more accurate consideration of turbulence outside porous media was added. This model was further improved by \textcite{hsu2002numerical} in order to account for small scale turbulence inside the porous media thanks to volume averaged RANS (VARANS) equations. The COBRAS model was then reworked by \textcite{losada2008numerical,lara2008wave} to add improvements to wave generation and usability. The main difference between this new code (COBRAS-UC) and COBRAS is the addition of irregular waves generation. The code was also optimized to reduce the number of iterations. The improvements allowed for longer simulations to be computed. The predictions for free surface elevation and pressure in front of a porous breakwater were accurate, but improvements were still needed, in particular considering computation time. \subsubsection{3D models} The combination of VARANS equations and the VOF method was then brought to 3D domains by \textcite{del2011three} in IH3VOF. Specific boundary conditions were also added for several wave theories. Additionnaly, an improved turbulence model was used ($\omega$-SST model, \cite{menter1994two}), which provides strongly improved results in zones where strong pressure gradients appear. Strong agreement between IH3VOF and experimental results was obtained, but the need for accurate boundary conditions limited the applicability of the model. \textcite{higuera2015application} reworked the equations from \textcite{del2011three} as discrepancies were observed with earlier literature and added several improvements to the model. Notably, time-varying porosity was added in order to account for eventual sediment displacement. New boundary conditions were added, with static and dynamic boundary wave generators as well as passive and acive wave absorption being implemented. The resulting model (IHFOAM/olaFlow, \cite{olaFlow}) was implemented in the OpenFOAM toolbox. \subsubsection{Conclusion} VOF models have been developped to provide accurate results for the study of wave impact on porous structures. The validation results from \textcite{higuera2015application} show the capabilities of such models in accurately representing rubble-mound breakwaters subject to irregular three-dimensional wave fields. Nonetheless, the representation of porosity in those models is still mainly based on experimental calibration, particularly for the inertia term of porosity induced friction. \subsection{Conclusion} %\paragraph{Notes} % %\cite{van1995wave,troch1999development} % %COBRAS \parencite{liu1999numerical}: spatially averaged RANS %with $k-\varepsilon$ turbulence model. Drag forces modeled by empirical linear %and non-linear friction terms; \cite{hsu2002numerical}: introduced VARANS in %order to account for small scale turbulence inside the porous media. %-> %COBRAS-UC/IH2VOF \parencite{losada2008numerical,lara2008wave}: VOF VARANS (2D); %refactor of COBRAS code, with improved wave generation, improvement of input %and output data. %-> %IH3VOF \parencite{del2011three}: 3D VOF VARANS, updated porous media equations, %optimization of accuracy vs computation requirements, specific boundary %conditions, validation. Adding SST model. %-> %IHFOAM/olaFlow \parencite{higuera2015application}: Rederivation of %\cite{del2011three}, add time-varying porosity; Improvement to wave generation %and absorption; implementation in OpenFOAM; extensive validation; application %to real coastal structures. % %\cite{vieira2021novel}: Use of artificial neural networks to determine porosity %parameter for VOF VARANS model. %\subsection{Other} % %BEM: \cite{hall1994boundary,koley2020numerical} \section{Modeling block displacement} \cite{nott1997extremely} \cite{nott2003waves} \cite{nandasena2011reassessment}