Galène 0.3 (unreleased):

  * Implemented the command /muteall.  This allows muting all users except
  * Implemented the autolock and autokick user group options, that cause,
    a group to be locked or all users to be kicked out when the last
    administrator leaves.
  * Implemented client-side filters that are run over the video before it
    is sent to the server.  A pair of mirroring filters are provided,
    which are useful when using a mirror in front of a webcam.
  * Included a built-in TURN server, which drastically simplifies
    deployment in common cases.
  * Implemented testing of TURN servers, on both the client and the server
    side.  Connectivity will be checked by the server every 12 hours, and
    by the client whenever a user uses the /relay-test command.
  * Group configurations are now checked at startup, and any failures are
    logged.  This implies that it is no longer possible to use undefined
    keys in group definition files (this is a breaking change).
  * Reworked the client API, which is now simpler and more uniform.
  * Subgroups can now be public.

9 January 2021: Galène 0.2

  * We now work around a limitation of the Go runtime that used to cause
    a crash on 32-bit architectures.
  * Recording to disk now works on Windows too.
  * Error handling has been improved.  In particular, group operators now
    receive a friendly warning when recording to disk fails for some reason.
  * It is now possible to configure a group to use codecs such as VP9 and
    H.264.  The default is still to use VP8 and Opus, as this yields the
    best compatibility across browsers.  Only VP8, VP9 and Opus can be
    saved to disk.
  * The command-line option "-relay-only" can be used to specify that all
    media traffic should go through a TURN server.
  * It is now possible to generate TURN passwords automatically, which
    avoids leaking long-term TURN credentials.  See the "credentialType"
    value "hmac-sha1" described in README.
  * The ICE configuration will now be checked periodically, and new
    clients will use an updated configuration.
  * The client-server protocol has been reworked to be more symmetric
    and more secure.  It is now documented in the file README.PROTOCOL.
  * The stream abort protocol message is now supported in the client->server
    direction, making it possible for the client to reject a stream.
  * The delay before sending NACKs has been reduced, which gives a major
    boost in video quality.
  * The play from disk button is not available when the browser doesn't
    support the required API.  We used to display a cryptic error message
    in that case.
  * The command-line option -insecure allows using plain HTTP, which is
    useful when running behind a reverse proxy.
  * When saving to disk to disk, the keyframe interval has been reduced to 4s.
  * We now send keepalives after 55s at most, which should fix issues with
    reverse proxies timing out the WebSocket.

19 December 2020: Galène 0.1

  * Initial release.