# Installation

## Build the server binary

    CGO_ENABLED=0 go build -ldflags='-s -w'

## Create a server certificate

    mkdir data
    openssl req -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout data/key.pem -x509 -days 365 -out data/cert.pem

## Set the server administrator credentials

This step is optional.

    echo 'god:topsecret' > data/passwd

## Set up a group

A group is set up by creating a file `groups/name.json`.

    mkdir groups
    vi groups/groupname.json
A group with a single operator and no password for ordinary users looks
like this:

        "op": [{"username": "jch", "password": "1234"}],
        "presenter": [{}]
A group with one operator and two users looks like this:

        "op": [{"username": "jch", "password": "1234"}],
        "presenter": [
            {"username": "mom", "password": "0000"},
            {"username": "dad", "password": "1234"}
More options are described under *Details of group definitions* below.

## Test locally

    ./galene &
You should be able to access Galène at `https://localhost:8443`.  Connect
to the group that you have just set up in two distinct browser windows,
then press *Ready* in one of the two; you should see a video in the other.

If you have set up a TURN server, type */relay-test* in the chat box; if
the TURN server is properly configured, you should see a message saying
that the relay test has been successful.  (The relay test will fail if you
didn't configure a TURN server; this is normal, and nothing to worry

## Configure your server's firewall

If your server has a global IPv4 address and there is no firewall, there
is nothing to do.

If your server has a global IPv4 address, then the firewall must, at
a strict minimum, allow incoming traffic to TCP port 8443 (or whatever is
configured with the `-http` command-line option) and TCP port 1194 (or
whatever is configured with the `-turn` command-line option).  For best
performance, it should also allow UDP traffic to the TURN port and UDP
traffic to ephemeral (high-numbered) ports.

If your server only has a global IPv6 address, then you should probably
disable the built-in TURN server (`-turn ""`) and configure an external
TURN server; see "ICE Servers" below.

If your server is behind NAT, then you should configure your NAT device to
forward, at a minimum, ports 8443 and 1194.  In addition, you should add
the option `-turn` to Galène's command line, where ``
is your NAT's external (global) IPv4 address.

## Deploy to your server

Set up a user *galene* on your server, then do:

    rsync -a galene static data groups galene@server.example.org:
Now run the binary on the server:

    ssh galene@server.example.org
    ulimit -n 65536
    nohup ./galene &

If you are using *runit*, use a script like the following:

    exec 2>&1
    cd ~galene
    ulimit -n 65536
    exec setuidgid galene ./galene

If you are using *systemd*:




# Usage

## Locations

There is a landing page at the root of the server.  It contains a form
for typing the name of a group, and a clickable list of public groups.

Groups are available under `/group/groupname`.  You may share this URL
with others, there is no need to go through the landing page.

Recordings can be accessed under `/recordings/groupname`.  This is only
available to the administrator of the group.

Some statistics are available under `/stats`.  This is only available to
the server administrator.

## Side menu

There is a menu on the right of the user interface.  This allows choosing
the camera and microphone and setting the video throughput.  The
*Blackboard mode* checkbox increases resolution and sacrifices framerate
in favour of image quality.  The *Play local file* dialog allows streaming
a video from a local file.

## Commands

Typing a line starting with a slash `/` in the chat dialogue causes
a command to be sent to the server.  Type `/help` to get the list of
available commands; the output depends on whether you are an operator or

# Details of group definitions

Groups are defined by files in the `./groups` directory (this may be
configured by the `-groups` command-line option, try `./galene -help`).
The definition for the group called *groupname* is in the file
`groups/groupname.json` and does not contain the group name, which makes
it easy to copy or link group definitions.  You may use subdirectories:
a file `groups/teaching/networking.json` defines a group called

Every group definition file contains a JSON directory with the following
fields.  All fields are optional, but unless you specify at least one user
definition (`op`, `presenter`, or `other`), nobody will be able to join
the group.

 - `op`, `presenter`, `other`: each of these is an array of user
   definitions (see below) and specifies the users allowed to connect
   respectively with operator privileges, with presenter privileges, and
   as passive listeners;
 - `public`: if true, then the group is visible on the landing page;
 - `description`: a human-readable description of the group; this is
   displayed on the landing page for public groups;
 - `contact`: a human-readable contact for this group, such as an e-mail
 - `comment`: a human-readable string;
 - `max-clients`: the maximum number of clients that may join the group at
   a time;
 - `max-history-age`: the time, in seconds, during which chat history is
   kept (default 14400, i.e. 4 hours);
 - `allow-recording`: if true, then recording is allowed in this group;
 - `allow-anonymous`: if true, then users may connect with an empty username;
 - `allow-subgroups`: if true, then subgroups of the form `group/subgroup`
   are automatically created when first accessed;
 - `autolock`: if true, the group will start locked and become locked
   whenever there are no clients with operator privileges;
 - `autokick`: if true, all clients will be kicked out whenever there are
   no clients with operator privileges; this is not recommended, prefer
   the `autolock` option instead;
 - `redirect`: if set, then attempts to join the group will be redirected
   to the given URL; most other fields are ignored in this case;
 - `codecs`: this is a list of codecs allowed in this group.  The default
   is `["vp8", "opus"]`.
Supported video codecs include:

 - `"vp8"` (compatible with all supported browsers);
 - `"vp9"` (better video quality than `"vp8"`, but incompatible with
   older versions of Mac OS);
 - `"h264"` (incompatible with Debian, Ubuntu, and some Android devices,
   recording is not supported).

Supported audio codecs include `"opus"`, `"g722"`, `"pcmu"` and `"pcma"`.
There is no good reason to use anything except Opus.
A user definition is a dictionary with the following fields:

 - `username`: the username of the user; if omitted, any username is
 - `password`: if omitted, then no password is required.  Otherwise, this
   can either be a string, specifying a plain text password, or
   a dictionary generated by the `galene-password-generator` utility.
For example,

    {"username": "jch", "password": "1234"}
specifies user *jch* with password *1234*, while

    {"password": "1234"}
specifies that any (non-empty) username will do, and

allows any (non-empty) username with any password.

If you don't wish to store cleartext passwords on the server, you may
generate hashed password with the `galene-password-generator` utility.  A
user entry with a hashed password looks like this:

        "username": "jch",
        "password": {
            "type": "pbkdf2",
            "hash": "sha-256",
            "key": "f591c35604e6aef572851d9c3543c812566b032b6dc083c81edd15cc24449913",
            "salt": "92bff2ace56fe38f",
            "iterations": 4096

# ICE Servers

ICE is the NAT and firewall traversal protocol used by WebRTC.  ICE can
make use of two kinds of servers to help with NAT traversal: STUN servers,
that simply help punching holes in NATs, and TURN servers, that serve as
relays for traffic.  TURN is a superset of STUN: no STUN server is
necessary if a TURN server is available.

Galène includes a simple IPv4-only TURN server, which is controlled by the
`-turn` command-line option.  If its value is set to the empty string
`""`, then the built-in server is disabled.  If its value is a colon
followed with a port number, for example `:1194`, then the TURN server
will listen on all public IPv4 addresses of the local host, over UDP and
TCP.  If the value of this option is a socket address, such as
``, then the TURN server will listen on all addresses of the
local host but assume that the address seen by the clients is the one
given in the option; this is the recommended configuration when running
behind NAT with port forwarding.  The default value is `-turn auto`, which
enables the TURN server on port 1194 if there is no
`data/ice-servers.json` file.

Some users may prefer to use an external ICE server.  In that case, the
built-in TURN server should be disabled (`-turn ""` or the default
`-turn auto`), and a working ICE configuration should appear in the file
`data/ice-servers.json`.  In the case of a single STUN server, it should
look like this:

            "urls": [
In the case of s single TURN server, the `ice-servers.json` file should
look like this:

            "urls": [
            "username": "galene",
            "credential": "secret"

If you prefer to use coturn's `use-auth-secret` option, then the
`ice-servers.json` file should look like this:

            "Urls": [
            "username": "galene",
            "credential": "secret",
            "credentialType": "hmac-sha1"
For redundancy, you may set up multiple TURN servers, and ICE will use the
first one that works.  If an `ice-servers.json` file is present and
Galène's built-in TURN server is enabled, then the external server will be
used in preference to the built-in server.

-- Juliusz Chroboczek <https://www.irif.fr/~jch/>