// Copyright (c) 2020 by Juliusz Chroboczek. // This is not open source software. Copy it, and I'll break into your // house and tell your three year-old that Santa doesn't exist. 'use strict'; /** * toHex formats an array as a hexadecimal string. * @param {number[]|Uint8Array} array - the array to format * @returns {string} - the hexadecimal representation of array */ function toHex(array) { let a = new Uint8Array(array); function hex(x) { let h = x.toString(16); if(h.length < 2) h = '0' + h; return h; } return a.reduce((x, y) => x + hex(y), ''); } /** randomid returns a random string of 32 hex digits (16 bytes). * @returns {string} */ function randomid() { let a = new Uint8Array(16); crypto.getRandomValues(a); return toHex(a); } /** * ServerConnection encapsulates a websocket connection to the server and * all the associated streams. * @constructor */ function ServerConnection() { /** * The id of this connection. * * @type {string} * @const */ this.id = randomid(); /** * The group that we have joined, or nil if we haven't joined yet. * * @type {string} */ this.group = null; /** * The underlying websocket. * * @type {WebSocket} */ this.socket = null; /** * The set of all up streams, indexed by their id. * * @type {Object} */ this.up = {}; /** * The set of all down streams, indexed by their id. * * @type {Object} */ this.down = {}; /** * The ICE configuration used by all associated streams. * * @type {RTCIceServer[]} */ this.iceServers = null; /** * The permissions granted to this connection. * * @type {Object} */ this.permissions = {}; /** * userdata is a convenient place to attach data to a ServerConnection. * It is not used by the library. * * @type{Object} */ this.userdata = {}; /* Callbacks */ /** * onconnected is called when the connection has been established * * @type{(this: ServerConnection) => void} */ this.onconnected = null; /** * onclose is called when the connection is closed * * @type{(this: ServerConnection, code: number, reason: string) => void} */ this.onclose = null; /** * onuser is called whenever a user is added or removed from the group * * @type{(this: ServerConnection, id: string, kind: string, username: string) => void} */ this.onuser = null; /** * onjoined is called whenever we join or leave a group or whenever the * permissions we have in a group change. * * kind is one of 'join', 'fail', 'change' or 'leave'. * * @type{(this: ServerConnection, kind: string, group: string, permissions: Object, message: string) => void} */ this.onjoined = null; /** * ondownstream is called whenever a new down stream is added. It * should set up the stream's callbacks; actually setting up the UI * should be done in the stream's ondowntrack callback. * * @type{(this: ServerConnection, stream: Stream) => void} */ this.ondownstream = null; /** * onchat is called whenever a new chat message is received. * * @type {(this: ServerConnection, id: string, dest: string, username: string, time: number, priviledged: boolean, kind: string, message: string) => void} */ this.onchat = null; /** * onusermessage is called when an application-specific message is * received. Id is null when the message originated at the server, * a user-id otherwise. * * 'kind' is typically one of 'error', 'warning', 'info' or 'mute'. If * 'id' is non-null, 'priviledged' indicates whether the message was * sent by an operator. * * @type {(this: ServerConnection, id: string, dest: string, username: string, time: number, priviledged: boolean, kind: string, message: string) => void} */ this.onusermessage = null; /** * onclearchat is called whenever the server requests that the chat * be cleared. * * @type{(this: ServerConnection) => void} */ this.onclearchat = null; } /** * @typedef {Object} message * @property {string} type * @property {string} [kind] * @property {string} [id] * @property {string} [dest] * @property {string} [username] * @property {string} [password] * @property {boolean} [priviledged] * @property {Object} [permissions] * @property {string} [group] * @property {string} [value] * @property {RTCSessionDescriptionInit} [offer] * @property {RTCSessionDescriptionInit} [answer] * @property {RTCIceCandidate} [candidate] * @property {Object} [labels] * @property {Object} [request] */ /** * close forcibly closes a server connection. The onclose callback will * be called when the connection is effectively closed. */ ServerConnection.prototype.close = function() { this.socket && this.socket.close(1000, 'Close requested by client'); this.socket = null; } /** * send sends a message to the server. * @param {message} m - the message to send. */ ServerConnection.prototype.send = function(m) { if(!this.socket || this.socket.readyState !== this.socket.OPEN) { // send on a closed socket doesn't throw throw(new Error('Connection is not open')); } return this.socket.send(JSON.stringify(m)); } /** * getIceServers fetches an ICE configuration from the server and * populates the iceServers field of a ServerConnection. It is called * lazily by connect. * * @returns {Promise} * @function */ ServerConnection.prototype.getIceServers = async function() { let r = await fetch('/ice-servers.json'); if(!r.ok) throw new Error("Couldn't fetch ICE servers: " + r.status + ' ' + r.statusText); let servers = await r.json(); if(!(servers instanceof Array)) throw new Error("couldn't parse ICE servers"); this.iceServers = servers; return servers; } /** * connect connects to the server. * * @param {string} url - The URL to connect to. * @returns {Promise} * @function */ ServerConnection.prototype.connect = async function(url) { let sc = this; if(sc.socket) { sc.socket.close(1000, 'Reconnecting'); sc.socket = null; } if(!sc.iceServers) { try { await sc.getIceServers(); } catch(e) { console.warn(e); } } sc.socket = new WebSocket(url); return await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this.socket.onerror = function(e) { reject(e); }; this.socket.onopen = function(e) { sc.send({ type: 'handshake', id: sc.id, }); if(sc.onconnected) sc.onconnected.call(sc); resolve(sc); }; this.socket.onclose = function(e) { sc.permissions = {}; for(let id in sc.down) { let c = sc.down[id]; delete(sc.down[id]); c.close(false); if(c.onclose) c.onclose.call(c); } if(sc.group && sc.onjoined) sc.onjoined.call(sc, 'leave', sc.group, {}, ''); sc.group = null; if(sc.onclose) sc.onclose.call(sc, e.code, e.reason); reject(new Error('websocket close ' + e.code + ' ' + e.reason)); }; this.socket.onmessage = function(e) { let m = JSON.parse(e.data); switch(m.type) { case 'offer': sc.gotOffer(m.id, m.labels, m.offer, m.kind === 'renegotiate'); break; case 'answer': sc.gotAnswer(m.id, m.answer); break; case 'renegotiate': sc.gotRenegotiate(m.id) break; case 'close': sc.gotClose(m.id); break; case 'abort': sc.gotAbort(m.id); break; case 'ice': sc.gotRemoteIce(m.id, m.candidate); break; case 'label': sc.gotLabel(m.id, m.value); break; case 'joined': if(sc.group) { if(m.group !== sc.group) { throw new Error('Joined multiple groups'); } } else { sc.group = m.group; } sc.permissions = m.permissions; if(sc.onjoined) sc.onjoined.call(sc, m.kind, m.group, m.permissions || {}, m.value || null); break; case 'user': if(sc.onuser) sc.onuser.call(sc, m.id, m.kind, m.username); break; case 'chat': if(sc.onchat) sc.onchat.call( sc, m.id, m.dest, m.username, m.time, m.privileged, m.kind, m.value, ); break; case 'usermessage': if(sc.onusermessage) sc.onusermessage.call( sc, m.id, m.dest, m.username, m.time, m.priviledged, m.kind, m.value, ); break; case 'clearchat': if(sc.onclearchat) sc.onclearchat.call(sc); break; case 'ping': sc.send({ type: 'pong', }); break; case 'pong': /* nothing */ break; default: console.warn('Unexpected server message', m.type); return; } }; }); } /** * join requests to join a group. The onjoined callback will be called * when we've effectively joined. * * @param {string} group - The name of the group to join. * @param {string} username - the username to join as. * @param {string} password - the password. */ ServerConnection.prototype.join = function(group, username, password) { this.send({ type: 'join', kind: 'join', group: group, username: username, password: password, }); } /** * leave leaves a group. The onjoined callback will be called when we've * effectively left. * * @param {string} group - The name of the group to join. */ ServerConnection.prototype.leave = function(group) { this.send({ type: 'join', kind: 'leave', group: group, }); } /** * request sets the list of requested media types. * * @param {string} what - One of '', 'audio', 'screenshare' or 'everything'. */ ServerConnection.prototype.request = function(what) { /** @type {Object} */ let request = {}; switch(what) { case '': request = {}; break; case 'audio': request = {audio: true}; break; case 'screenshare': request = {audio: true, screenshare: true}; break; case 'everything': request = {audio: true, screenshare: true, video: true}; break; default: console.error(`Unknown value ${what} in request`); break; } this.send({ type: 'request', request: request, }); }; /** * newUpStream requests the creation of a new up stream. * * @param {string} [id] - The id of the stream to create. * @returns {Stream} */ ServerConnection.prototype.newUpStream = function(id) { let sc = this; if(!id) { id = randomid(); if(sc.up[id]) throw new Error('Eek!'); } let pc = new RTCPeerConnection({ iceServers: sc.iceServers || [], }); if(!pc) throw new Error("Couldn't create peer connection"); if(sc.up[id]) { sc.up[id].close(false); } let c = new Stream(this, id, pc); sc.up[id] = c; pc.onnegotiationneeded = async e => { await c.negotiate(); }; pc.onicecandidate = e => { if(!e.candidate) return; c.gotLocalIce(e.candidate); }; pc.oniceconnectionstatechange = e => { if(c.onstatus) c.onstatus.call(c, pc.iceConnectionState); if(pc.iceConnectionState === 'failed') c.restartIce(); }; pc.ontrack = console.error; return c; } /** * chat sends a chat message to the server. The server will normally echo * the message back to the client. * * @param {string} username - The sender's username. * @param {string} kind - The kind of message, either "" or "me". * @param {string} dest - The id to send the message to, empty for broadcast. * @param {string} value - The text of the message. */ ServerConnection.prototype.chat = function(username, kind, dest, value) { this.send({ type: 'chat', id: this.id, dest: dest, username: username, kind: kind, value: value, }); }; /** * userAction sends a request to act on a user. * * @param {string} username - The sender's username. * @param {string} kind - One of "op", "unop", "kick", "present", "unpresent". * @param {string} dest - The id of the user to act upon. * @param {string} [value] - An optional user-readable message. */ ServerConnection.prototype.userAction = function(username, kind, dest, value) { this.send({ type: 'useraction', id: this.id, dest: dest, username: username, kind: kind, value: value, }); }; /** * userMessage sends an application-specific message to a user. * * @param {string} username - The sender's username. * @param {string} kind - The kind of application-specific message. * @param {string} dest - The id of the user to send the message to. * @param {string} [value] - An optional parameter. */ ServerConnection.prototype.userMessage = function(username, kind, dest, value) { this.send({ type: 'usermessage', id: this.id, dest: dest, username: username, kind: kind, value: value, }); }; /** * groupAction sends a request to act on the current group. * * @param {string} username - The sender's username. * @param {string} kind - One of "clearchat", "lock", "unlock", "record or * "unrecord". * @param {string} [message] - An optional user-readable message. */ ServerConnection.prototype.groupAction = function(username, kind, message) { this.send({ type: 'groupaction', id: this.id, kind: kind, username: username, value: message, }); }; /** * Called when we receive an offer from the server. Don't call this. * * @param {string} id * @param {Object} labels * @param {RTCSessionDescriptionInit} offer * @param {boolean} renegotiate * @function */ ServerConnection.prototype.gotOffer = async function(id, labels, offer, renegotiate) { let sc = this; let c = sc.down[id]; if(c && !renegotiate) { // SDP is rather inflexible as to what can be renegotiated. // Unless the server indicates that this is a renegotiation with // all parameters unchanged, tear down the existing connection. delete(sc.down[id]); c.close(false); c = null; } if(!c) { let pc = new RTCPeerConnection({ iceServers: this.iceServers, }); c = new Stream(this, id, pc); sc.down[id] = c; c.pc.onicecandidate = function(e) { if(!e.candidate) return; c.gotLocalIce(e.candidate); }; pc.oniceconnectionstatechange = e => { if(c.onstatus) c.onstatus.call(c, pc.iceConnectionState); if(pc.iceConnectionState === 'failed') { sc.send({type: 'renegotiate', id: id, }); } }; c.pc.ontrack = function(e) { let label = e.transceiver && c.labelsByMid[e.transceiver.mid]; if(label) { c.labels[e.track.id] = label; } else { console.warn("Couldn't find label for track"); } if(c.stream !== e.streams[0]) { c.stream = e.streams[0]; let label = e.transceiver && c.labelsByMid[e.transceiver.mid]; c.labels[e.track.id] = label; if(c.ondowntrack) { c.ondowntrack.call( c, e.track, e.transceiver, label, e.streams[0], ); } if(c.onlabel) { c.onlabel.call(c, label); } } }; } c.labelsByMid = labels; if(sc.ondownstream) sc.ondownstream.call(sc, c); await c.pc.setRemoteDescription(offer); await c.flushRemoteIceCandidates() let answer = await c.pc.createAnswer(); if(!answer) throw new Error("Didn't create answer"); await c.pc.setLocalDescription(answer); this.send({ type: 'answer', id: id, answer: answer, }); c.localDescriptionSent = true; c.flushLocalIceCandidates(); if(c.onnegotiationcompleted) c.onnegotiationcompleted.call(c); }; /** * Called when we receive a stream label from the server. Don't call this. * * @param {string} id * @param {string} label */ ServerConnection.prototype.gotLabel = function(id, label) { let c = this.down[id]; if(!c) throw new Error('Got label for unknown id'); c.label = label; if(c.onlabel) c.onlabel.call(c, label); }; /** * Called when we receive an answer from the server. Don't call this. * * @param {string} id * @param {RTCSessionDescriptionInit} answer * @function */ ServerConnection.prototype.gotAnswer = async function(id, answer) { let c = this.up[id]; if(!c) throw new Error('unknown up stream'); try { await c.pc.setRemoteDescription(answer); } catch(e) { if(c.onerror) c.onerror.call(c, e); return; } await c.flushRemoteIceCandidates(); if(c.onnegotiationcompleted) c.onnegotiationcompleted.call(c); }; /** * Called when we receive a renegotiation request from the server. Don't * call this. * * @param {string} id * @function */ ServerConnection.prototype.gotRenegotiate = async function(id) { let c = this.up[id]; if(!c) throw new Error('unknown up stream'); c.restartIce(); }; /** * Called when we receive a close request from the server. Don't call this. * * @param {string} id */ ServerConnection.prototype.gotClose = function(id) { let c = this.down[id]; if(!c) throw new Error('unknown down stream'); delete(this.down[id]); c.close(false); if(c.onclose) c.onclose.call(c); }; /** * Called when we receive an abort message from the server. Don't call this. * * @param {string} id */ ServerConnection.prototype.gotAbort = function(id) { let c = this.up[id]; if(!c) throw new Error('unknown up stream'); if(c.onabort) c.onabort.call(c); }; /** * Called when we receive an ICE candidate from the server. Don't call this. * * @param {string} id * @param {RTCIceCandidate} candidate * @function */ ServerConnection.prototype.gotRemoteIce = async function(id, candidate) { let c = this.up[id]; if(!c) c = this.down[id]; if(!c) throw new Error('unknown stream'); if(c.pc.remoteDescription) await c.pc.addIceCandidate(candidate).catch(console.warn); else c.remoteIceCandidates.push(candidate); }; /** * Stream encapsulates a MediaStream, a set of tracks. * * A stream is said to go "up" if it is from the client to the server, and * "down" otherwise. * * @param {ServerConnection} sc * @param {string} id * @param {RTCPeerConnection} pc * * @constructor */ function Stream(sc, id, pc) { /** * The associated ServerConnection. * * @type {ServerConnection} * @const */ this.sc = sc; /** * The id of this stream. * * @type {string} * @const */ this.id = id; /** * For up streams, one of "local" or "screenshare". * * @type {string} */ this.kind = null; /** * For down streams, a user-readable label. * * @type {string} */ this.label = null; /** * The associated RTCPeerConnectoin. This is null before the stream * is connected, and may change over time. * * @type {RTCPeerConnection} */ this.pc = pc; /** * The associated MediaStream. This is null before the stream is * connected, and may change over time. * * @type {MediaStream} */ this.stream = null; /** * Track labels, indexed by track id. * * @type {Object} */ this.labels = {}; /** * Track labels, indexed by mid. * * @type {Object} */ this.labelsByMid = {}; /** * Indicates whether we have already sent a local description. * * @type {boolean} */ this.localDescriptionSent = false; /** * Buffered local ICE candidates. This will be flushed by * flushLocalIceCandidates after we send a local description. * * @type {RTCIceCandidate[]} */ this.localIceCandidates = []; /** * Buffered remote ICE candidates. This will be flushed by * flushRemoteIceCandidates when we get a remote SDP description. * * @type {RTCIceCandidate[]} */ this.remoteIceCandidates = []; /** * The statistics last computed by the stats handler. This is * a dictionary indexed by track id, with each value a dictionary of * statistics. * * @type {Object} */ this.stats = {}; /** * The id of the periodic handler that computes statistics, as * returned by setInterval. * * @type {number} */ this.statsHandler = null; /** * userdata is a convenient place to attach data to a Stream. * It is not used by the library. * * @type{Object} */ this.userdata = {}; /* Callbacks */ /** * onclose is called when the stream is closed. * * @type{(this: Stream) => void} */ this.onclose = null; /** * onerror is called whenever an error occurs. If the error is * fatal, then onclose will be called afterwards. * * @type{(this: Stream, error: unknown) => void} */ this.onerror = null; /** * onnegotiationcompleted is called whenever negotiation or * renegotiation has completed. * * @type{(this: Stream) => void} */ this.onnegotiationcompleted = null; /** * ondowntrack is called whenever a new track is added to a stream. * If the stream parameter differs from its previous value, then it * indicates that the old stream has been discarded. * * @type{(this: Stream, track: MediaStreamTrack, transceiver: RTCRtpTransceiver, label: string, stream: MediaStream) => void} */ this.ondowntrack = null; /** * onlabel is called whenever the server sets a new label for the stream. * * @type{(this: Stream, label: string) => void} */ this.onlabel = null; /** * onstatus is called whenever the status of the stream changes. * * @type{(this: Stream, status: string) => void} */ this.onstatus = null; /** * onabort is called when the server requested that an up stream be * closed. It is the resposibility of the client to close the stream. * * @type{(this: Stream) => void} */ this.onabort = null; /** * onstats is called when we have new statistics about the connection * * @type{(this: Stream, stats: Object) => void} */ this.onstats = null; } /** * close closes an up stream. It should not be called for down streams. * @param {boolean} sendclose - whether to send a close message to the server */ Stream.prototype.close = function(sendclose) { let c = this; if(c.statsHandler) { clearInterval(c.statsHandler); c.statsHandler = null; } if(c.stream) { c.stream.getTracks().forEach(t => { try { t.stop(); } catch(e) { } }); } c.pc.close(); if(sendclose) { try { c.sc.send({ type: 'close', id: c.id, }); } catch(e) { } } c.sc = null; }; /** * Called when we get a local ICE candidate. Don't call this. * * @param {RTCIceCandidate} candidate * @function */ Stream.prototype.gotLocalIce = function(candidate) { let c = this; if(c.localDescriptionSent) c.sc.send({type: 'ice', id: c.id, candidate: candidate, }); else c.localIceCandidates.push(candidate); } /** * flushLocalIceCandidates flushes any buffered local ICE candidates. * It is called when we send an offer. * @function */ Stream.prototype.flushLocalIceCandidates = function () { let c = this; let candidates = c.localIceCandidates; c.localIceCandidates = []; candidates.forEach(candidate => { try { c.sc.send({type: 'ice', id: c.id, candidate: candidate, }); } catch(e) { console.warn(e); } }); c.localIceCandidates = []; } /** * flushRemoteIceCandidates flushes any buffered remote ICE candidates. It is * called automatically when we get a remote description. * @function */ Stream.prototype.flushRemoteIceCandidates = async function () { let c = this; let candidates = c.remoteIceCandidates; c.remoteIceCandidates = []; /** @type {Array.>} */ let promises = []; candidates.forEach(candidate => { promises.push(c.pc.addIceCandidate(candidate).catch(console.warn)); }); return await Promise.all(promises); }; /** * negotiate negotiates or renegotiates an up stream. It is called * automatically when required. If the client requires renegotiation, it * is probably better to call restartIce which will cause negotiate to be * called asynchronously. * * @function * @param {boolean} [restartIce] - Whether to restart ICE. */ Stream.prototype.negotiate = async function (restartIce) { let c = this; let options = {}; if(restartIce) options = {iceRestart: true}; let offer = await c.pc.createOffer(options); if(!offer) throw(new Error("Didn't create offer")); await c.pc.setLocalDescription(offer); // mids are not known until this point c.pc.getTransceivers().forEach(t => { if(t.sender && t.sender.track) { let label = c.labels[t.sender.track.id]; if(label) c.labelsByMid[t.mid] = label; else console.warn("Couldn't find label for track"); } }); c.sc.send({ type: 'offer', kind: this.localDescriptionSent ? 'renegotiate' : '', id: c.id, labels: c.labelsByMid, offer: offer, }); this.localDescriptionSent = true; c.flushLocalIceCandidates(); }; /** * restartIce causes an ICE restart on an up stream. It is called * automatically when ICE signals that the connection has failed. It * returns immediately, negotiation will happen asynchronously. */ Stream.prototype.restartIce = function () { let c = this; if('restartIce' in c.pc) { try { /** @ts-ignore */ c.pc.restartIce(); return; } catch(e) { console.warn(e); } } // negotiate is async, but this returns immediately. c.negotiate(true); }; /** * updateStats is called periodically, if requested by setStatsInterval, * in order to recompute stream statistics and invoke the onstats handler. * * @function */ Stream.prototype.updateStats = async function() { let c = this; let old = c.stats; /** @type{Object} */ let stats = {}; let transceivers = c.pc.getTransceivers(); for(let i = 0; i < transceivers.length; i++) { let t = transceivers[i]; let stid = t.sender.track && t.sender.track.id; let rtid = t.receiver.track && t.receiver.track.id; let report = null; if(stid) { try { report = await t.sender.getStats(); } catch(e) { } } if(report) { for(let r of report.values()) { if(stid && r.type === 'outbound-rtp') { if(!('bytesSent' in r)) continue; if(!stats[stid]) stats[stid] = {}; stats[stid][r.type] = {}; stats[stid][r.type].timestamp = r.timestamp; stats[stid][r.type].bytesSent = r.bytesSent; if(old[stid] && old[stid][r.type]) stats[stid][r.type].rate = ((r.bytesSent - old[stid][r.type].bytesSent) * 1000 / (r.timestamp - old[stid][r.type].timestamp)) * 8; } } } report = null; if(rtid) { try { report = await t.receiver.getStats(); } catch(e) { console.error(e); } } if(report) { for(let r of report.values()) { if(rtid && r.type === 'track') { if(!('totalAudioEnergy' in r)) continue; if(!stats[rtid]) stats[rtid] = {}; stats[rtid][r.type] = {}; stats[rtid][r.type].timestamp = r.timestamp; stats[rtid][r.type].totalAudioEnergy = r.totalAudioEnergy; if(old[rtid] && old[rtid][r.type]) stats[rtid][r.type].audioEnergy = (r.totalAudioEnergy - old[rtid][r.type].totalAudioEnergy) * 1000 / (r.timestamp - old[rtid][r.type].timestamp); } } } } c.stats = stats; if(c.onstats) c.onstats.call(c, c.stats); }; /** * setStatsInterval sets the interval in milliseconds at which the onstats * handler will be called. This is only useful for up streams. * * @param {number} ms - The interval in milliseconds. */ Stream.prototype.setStatsInterval = function(ms) { let c = this; if(c.statsHandler) { clearInterval(c.statsHandler); c.statsHandler = null; } if(ms <= 0) return; c.statsHandler = setInterval(() => { c.updateStats(); }, ms); };