package scanner import ( "fmt" "io/ioutil" "log" "os" "path" "time" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ignore "" "" ) func NewRootAlbum(db *gorm.DB, rootPath string, owner *models.User) (*models.Album, error) { if !ValidRootPath(rootPath) { return nil, ErrorInvalidRootPath } if !path.IsAbs(rootPath) { wd, err := os.Getwd() if err != nil { return nil, err } rootPath = path.Join(wd, rootPath) } owners := []models.User{ *owner, } var matchedAlbums []models.Album if err := db.Where("path_hash = ?", models.MD5Hash(rootPath)).Find(&matchedAlbums).Error; err != nil { return nil, err } if len(matchedAlbums) > 0 { album := matchedAlbums[0] var matchedUserAlbumCount int64 if err := db.Table("user_albums").Where("user_id = ?", owner.ID).Where("album_id = ?", album.ID).Count(&matchedUserAlbumCount).Error; err != nil { return nil, err } if matchedUserAlbumCount > 0 { return nil, errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("user already owns a path containing this path: %s", rootPath)) } if err := db.Model(&owner).Association("Albums").Append(&album); err != nil { return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "failed to add owner to already existing album") } return &album, nil } else { album := models.Album{ Title: path.Base(rootPath), Path: rootPath, Owners: owners, } if err := db.Create(&album).Error; err != nil { return nil, err } return &album, nil } } var ErrorInvalidRootPath = errors.New("invalid root path") func ValidRootPath(rootPath string) bool { _, err := os.Stat(rootPath) if err != nil { log.Printf("Warn: invalid root path: '%s'\n%s\n", rootPath, err) return false } return true } func scanAlbum(album *models.Album, cache *scanner_cache.AlbumScannerCache, db *gorm.DB) { album_notify_key := utils.GenerateToken() notifyThrottle := utils.NewThrottle(500 * time.Millisecond) notifyThrottle.Trigger(nil) // Scan for photos albumMedia, err := findMediaForAlbum(album, cache, db, func(photo *models.Media, newPhoto bool) { if newPhoto { notifyThrottle.Trigger(func() { notification.BroadcastNotification(&models.Notification{ Key: album_notify_key, Type: models.NotificationTypeMessage, Header: fmt.Sprintf("Found new media in album '%s'", album.Title), Content: fmt.Sprintf("Found %s", photo.Path), }) }) } }) if err != nil { scanner_utils.ScannerError("Failed to find media for album (%s): %s", album.Path, err) } album_has_changes := false for count, media := range albumMedia { processing_was_needed := false transactionError := db.Transaction(func(tx *gorm.DB) error { processing_was_needed, err = ProcessMedia(tx, media) if err != nil { return errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to process photo (%s)", media.Path) } if processing_was_needed { album_has_changes = true progress := float64(count) / float64(len(albumMedia)) * 100.0 notification.BroadcastNotification(&models.Notification{ Key: album_notify_key, Type: models.NotificationTypeProgress, Header: fmt.Sprintf("Processing media for album '%s'", album.Title), Content: fmt.Sprintf("Processed media at %s", media.Path), Progress: &progress, }) } return nil }) if transactionError != nil { scanner_utils.ScannerError("Failed to begin database transaction: %s", transactionError) } if processing_was_needed && media.Type == models.MediaTypePhoto { go func(media *models.Media) { if err := face_detection.GlobalFaceDetector.DetectFaces(db, media); err != nil { scanner_utils.ScannerError("Error detecting faces in image (%s): %s", media.Path, err) } }(media) } } cleanup_errors := CleanupMedia(db, album.ID, albumMedia) for _, err := range cleanup_errors { scanner_utils.ScannerError("Failed to delete old media: %s", err) } if album_has_changes { timeoutDelay := 2000 notification.BroadcastNotification(&models.Notification{ Key: album_notify_key, Type: models.NotificationTypeMessage, Positive: true, Header: fmt.Sprintf("Done processing media for album '%s'", album.Title), Content: fmt.Sprintf("All media have been processed"), Timeout: &timeoutDelay, }) } } func findMediaForAlbum(album *models.Album, cache *scanner_cache.AlbumScannerCache, db *gorm.DB, onScanPhoto func(photo *models.Media, newPhoto bool)) ([]*models.Media, error) { albumPhotos := make([]*models.Media, 0) dirContent, err := ioutil.ReadDir(album.Path) if err != nil { return nil, err } // Get ignore data albumIgnore := ignore.CompileIgnoreLines(*cache.GetAlbumIgnore(album.Path)...) for _, item := range dirContent { photoPath := path.Join(album.Path, item.Name()) isDirSymlink, err := utils.IsDirSymlink(photoPath) if err != nil { log.Printf("Cannot detect whether %s is symlink to a directory. Pretending it is not", photoPath) isDirSymlink = false } if !item.IsDir() && !isDirSymlink && cache.IsPathMedia(photoPath) { // Match file against ignore data if albumIgnore.MatchesPath(item.Name()) { log.Printf("File %s ignored\n", item.Name()) continue } // Skip the JPEGs that are compressed version of raw files counterpartFile := scanForRawCounterpartFile(photoPath) if counterpartFile != nil { continue } err := db.Transaction(func(tx *gorm.DB) error { media, isNewMedia, err := ScanMedia(tx, photoPath, album.ID, cache) if err != nil { return errors.Wrapf(err, "Scanning media error (%s)", photoPath) } onScanPhoto(media, isNewMedia) albumPhotos = append(albumPhotos, media) return nil }) if err != nil { scanner_utils.ScannerError("Error scanning media for album (%d): %s\n", album.ID, err) continue } } } return albumPhotos, nil }