{ "albums_page": { "title": "Albums" }, "general": { "action": { "add": "Add", "cancel": "Cancel", "remove": "Remove", "save": "Save" } }, "loading": { "paginate": { "media": "Loading more media" } }, "login_page": { "field": { "password": "Password", "submit": "Sign in", "username": "Username" }, "initial_setup": { "field": { "photo_path": { "label": "Photo path", "placeholder": "/path/to/photos" }, "submit": "Setup Photoview" }, "title": "Initial Setup" }, "welcome": "Welcome to Photoview" }, "settings": { "concurrent_workers": { "description": "The maximum amount of scanner jobs that is allowed to run at once", "title": "Scanner concurrent workers" }, "periodic_scanner": { "checkbox_label": "Enable periodic scanner", "field": { "description": "How often the scanner should perform automatic scans of all users", "label": "Periodic scan interval" }, "interval_unit": { "days": "Days", "hour": "Hour", "minutes": "Minutes", "months": "Months", "seconds": "Seconds" }, "title": "Periodic scanner" }, "scanner": { "description": "Will scan all users for new or updated media", "scan_all_users": "Scan all users", "title": "Scanner" }, "users": { "add_user": { "submit": "Add user" }, "confirm_delete_user": { "action": "Delete {user}", "description": "<0>Are you sure, you want to delete <1>?

This action cannot be undone

", "title": "Delete user" }, "password_reset": { "description": "Change password for <1>", "form": { "label": "New password", "placeholder": "password", "submit": "Change password" }, "title": "Change password" }, "table": { "column_names": { "action": "Action", "admin": "Admin", "photo_path": "Photo path", "username": "Username" }, "new_user": "New user", "row": { "action": { "change_password": "Change password", "delete": "Delete", "edit": "Edit", "scan": "Scan" } } }, "title": "Users" } }, "sidemenu": { "albums": "Albums", "logout": "Log out", "people": "People", "photos": "Photos", "places": "Places", "settings": "Settings" }, "title": { "loading_album": "Loading album", "settings": "Settings" } }