##================***================## ## These are the environment setup variables. ## Start setting up your instance from here. ## Syntax of the .env file is next: ## VARIABLE_NAME=variable value with everything after the '=' and till the end of the line. ## The variables with values, set in the docker-compose.yml directly, are for advanced configuration. ##================***================## ##----------Host variables-----------## ## This is the current folder, where all Photoview files and folders (except of your media library) are located HOST_PHOTOVIEW_LOCATION=/opt/photoview ## This is where your original photos and videos located. ## Provide here the path to single root folder for your media collection. HOST_PHOTOVIEW_MEDIA_ROOT=/your/root/media/folder ## If you'd like to map multiple folders from different locations, create additional variables ## here like the next one and modify the docker-compose.yml to match them and use in volume mappings. # HOST_PHOTOVIEW_MEDIA_FAMILY=/full/path/to/folder ## This is where the Photoview data will be backed up HOST_PHOTOVIEW_BACKUP=/media/Backup/PhotoView ##-----------------------------------## ##-------Photoview variables---------## ## PHOTOVIEW_DATABASE_DRIVER could have one of values: `mysql` (default), `sqlite`, `postgres` PHOTOVIEW_DATABASE_DRIVER=mysql ## Optional: To enable map related features, you need to create a mapbox token. ## A token can be generated for free here https://account.mapbox.com/access-tokens/ ## It's a good idea to limit the scope of the token to your own domain, to prevent others from using it. # MAPBOX_TOKEN=yourToken ##-----------------------------------## ##--------MariaDB variables----------## ## Comment out these variables if PHOTOVIEW_DATABASE_DRIVER is `sqlite` or `postgres` ## Use password generator to generate secret values and replace these defaults MARIADB_DATABASE=photoview MARIADB_USER=photoview MARIADB_PASSWORD=photosecret MARIADB_ROOT_PASSWORD=superphotosecret ##-----------------------------------## ##---------SQLite variables----------## ## Uncomment the next line if PHOTOVIEW_DATABASE_DRIVER is `sqlite` # PHOTOVIEW_SQLITE_PATH=/home/photoview/database/photoview.db ##-----------------------------------## ##-------PostgreSQL variables--------## ## Uncomment the next lines if PHOTOVIEW_DATABASE_DRIVER is `postgres` # PGSQL_DATABASE=photoview # PGSQL_USER=photoview # PGSQL_PASSWORD=superphotosecret ## See https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/libpq-ssl.html for possible ssl modes # PGSQL_SSL_MODE=prefer ##-----------------------------------## ##-------Watchtower variables--------## ## The POLL_INTERVAL in sec WATCHTOWER_POLL_INTERVAL=86400 WATCHTOWER_TIMEOUT=30s WATCHTOWER_CLEANUP=true ##\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\//////////////////##