### Build UI ### FROM --platform=${BUILDPLATFORM:-linux/amd64} node:18-alpine AS ui # See for details: https://github.com/hadolint/hadolint/wiki/DL4006 SHELL ["/bin/sh", "-euo", "pipefail", "-c"] ARG REACT_APP_API_ENDPOINT ENV REACT_APP_API_ENDPOINT=${REACT_APP_API_ENDPOINT} # Set environment variable UI_PUBLIC_URL from build args, uses "/" as default ARG UI_PUBLIC_URL ENV UI_PUBLIC_URL=${UI_PUBLIC_URL:-/} ARG VERSION ENV VERSION=${VERSION:-undefined} ENV REACT_APP_BUILD_VERSION=${VERSION:-undefined} ARG BUILD_DATE ENV BUILD_DATE=${BUILD_DATE:-undefined} ENV REACT_APP_BUILD_DATE=${BUILD_DATE:-undefined} ARG COMMIT_SHA ENV COMMIT_SHA=${COMMIT_SHA:-} ENV REACT_APP_BUILD_COMMIT_SHA=${COMMIT_SHA:-} WORKDIR /app/ui COPY ui/package.json ui/package-lock.json /app/ui RUN npm ci COPY ui/ /app/ui RUN if [ "${BUILD_DATE}" = "undefined" ]; then \ export BUILD_DATE=$(date -u +'%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ'); \ export REACT_APP_BUILD_DATE=${BUILD_DATE}; \ fi; \ npm run build -- --base=$UI_PUBLIC_URL ### Build API ### FROM --platform=${BUILDPLATFORM:-linux/amd64} golang:1.22-alpine AS api ARG TARGETPLATFORM # See for details: https://github.com/hadolint/hadolint/wiki/DL4006 SHELL ["/bin/sh", "-euo", "pipefail", "-c"] WORKDIR /app/api ENV GOPATH="/go" ENV PATH="${GOPATH}/bin:${PATH}" ENV CGO_ENABLED=1 # Download dependencies COPY scripts/install_build_dependencies.sh /app/scripts/ COPY scripts/install_runtime_dependencies.sh /app/scripts/ RUN chmod +x /app/scripts/*.sh \ && /app/scripts/install_build_dependencies.sh \ && mv $(go env GOPATH)/bin/reflex /usr/bin/ \ && /app/scripts/install_runtime_dependencies.sh COPY api/go.mod api/go.sum /app/api/ RUN go env \ && go mod download \ # Patch go-face && sed -i 's/-march=native//g' ${GOPATH}/pkg/mod/github.com/!kagami/go-face*/face.go \ # Build dependencies that use CGO && go install github.com/mattn/go-sqlite3 github.com/Kagami/go-face COPY api /app/api RUN go build -v -o photoview . ### Build release image ### FROM --platform=${BUILDPLATFORM:-linux/amd64} alpine:latest AS release ARG TARGETPLATFORM # See for details: https://github.com/hadolint/hadolint/wiki/DL4006 SHELL ["/bin/sh", "-euo", "pipefail", "-c"] COPY scripts/install_runtime_dependencies.sh /app/scripts/ RUN chmod +x /app/scripts/install_runtime_dependencies.sh \ # Create a user to run Photoview server && addgroup -g 9999 photoview \ && adduser -u 9999 -G photoview -D photoview \ # Required dependencies && /app/scripts/install_runtime_dependencies.sh \ # Remove build dependencies and cleanup && apk cache clean \ && rm -rf /var/cache/apk/* WORKDIR /home/photoview COPY api/data /app/data COPY --from=ui /app/ui/dist /app/ui COPY --from=api /app/api/photoview /app/photoview ENV PHOTOVIEW_LISTEN_IP= ENV PHOTOVIEW_LISTEN_PORT=80 ENV PHOTOVIEW_SERVE_UI=1 ENV PHOTOVIEW_UI_PATH=/app/ui ENV PHOTOVIEW_FACE_RECOGNITION_MODELS_PATH=/app/data/models ENV PHOTOVIEW_MEDIA_CACHE=/home/photoview/media-cache EXPOSE ${PHOTOVIEW_LISTEN_PORT} HEALTHCHECK --interval=60s --timeout=10s \ CMD curl --fail http://localhost:${PHOTOVIEW_LISTEN_PORT}/api/graphql \ -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data-raw '{"operationName":"CheckInitialSetup","variables":{},"query":"query CheckInitialSetup { siteInfo { initialSetup }}"}' \ || exit 1 USER photoview ENTRYPOINT ["/app/photoview"]