package scanner import ( "bufio" "container/list" "io/ioutil" "log" "os" "path" "" "" "" "" "" "" ignore "" "" ) func getPhotoviewIgnore(ignorePath string) ([]string, error) { var photoviewIgnore []string // Open .photoviewignore file, if exists photoviewIgnoreFile, err := os.Open(path.Join(ignorePath, ".photoviewignore")) if err != nil { if os.IsNotExist(err) { return photoviewIgnore, nil } return photoviewIgnore, err } // Close file on exit defer photoviewIgnoreFile.Close() // Read and save .photoviewignore data scanner := bufio.NewScanner(photoviewIgnoreFile) for scanner.Scan() { photoviewIgnore = append(photoviewIgnore, scanner.Text()) log.Printf("Ignore found: %s", scanner.Text()) } return photoviewIgnore, scanner.Err() } func FindAlbumsForUser(db *gorm.DB, user *models.User, album_cache *scanner_cache.AlbumScannerCache) ([]*models.Album, []error) { if err := user.FillAlbums(db); err != nil { return nil, []error{err} } userAlbumIDs := make([]int, len(user.Albums)) for i, album := range user.Albums { userAlbumIDs[i] = album.ID } var userRootAlbums []*models.Album if err := db.Where("id IN (?)", userAlbumIDs).Where("parent_album_id IS NULL OR parent_album_id NOT IN (?)", userAlbumIDs).Find(&userRootAlbums).Error; err != nil { return nil, []error{err} } scanErrors := make([]error, 0) type scanInfo struct { path string parent *models.Album ignore []string } scanQueue := list.New() for _, album := range userRootAlbums { // Check if user album directory exists on the file system if _, err := os.Stat(album.Path); err != nil { if os.IsNotExist(err) { scanErrors = append(scanErrors, errors.Errorf("Album directory for user '%s' does not exist '%s'\n", user.Username, album.Path)) } else { scanErrors = append(scanErrors, errors.Errorf("Could not read album directory for user '%s': %s\n", user.Username, album.Path)) } } else { scanQueue.PushBack(scanInfo{ path: album.Path, parent: nil, ignore: nil, }) } } userAlbums := make([]*models.Album, 0) for scanQueue.Front() != nil { albumInfo := scanQueue.Front().Value.(scanInfo) scanQueue.Remove(scanQueue.Front()) albumPath := albumInfo.path albumParent := albumInfo.parent albumIgnore := albumInfo.ignore // Read path dirContent, err := ioutil.ReadDir(albumPath) if err != nil { scanErrors = append(scanErrors, errors.Wrapf(err, "read directory (%s)", albumPath)) continue } // Skip this dir if in ignore list ignorePaths := ignore.CompileIgnoreLines(albumIgnore...) if ignorePaths.MatchesPath(albumPath + "/") { log.Printf("Skip, directroy %s is in ignore file", albumPath) continue } // Update ignore dir list photoviewIgnore, err := getPhotoviewIgnore(albumPath) if err != nil { log.Printf("Failed to get ignore file, err = %s", err) } else { albumIgnore = append(albumIgnore, photoviewIgnore...) } // Will become new album or album from db var album *models.Album transErr := db.Transaction(func(tx *gorm.DB) error { log.Printf("Scanning directory: %s", albumPath) // check if album already exists var albumResult []models.Album result := tx.Where("path_hash = ?", models.MD5Hash(albumPath)).Find(&albumResult) if result.Error != nil { return result.Error } // album does not exist, create new if len(albumResult) == 0 { albumTitle := path.Base(albumPath) var albumParentID *int parentOwners := make([]models.User, 0) if albumParent != nil { albumParentID = &albumParent.ID if err := tx.Model(&albumParent).Association("Owners").Find(&parentOwners); err != nil { return err } } album = &models.Album{ Title: albumTitle, ParentAlbumID: albumParentID, Path: albumPath, } // Store album ignore album_cache.InsertAlbumIgnore(albumPath, albumIgnore) if err := tx.Create(&album).Error; err != nil { return errors.Wrap(err, "insert album into database") } if err := tx.Model(&album).Association("Owners").Append(parentOwners); err != nil { return errors.Wrap(err, "add owners to album") } } else { album = &albumResult[0] // Add user as an owner of the album if not already var userAlbumOwner []models.User if err := tx.Model(&album).Association("Owners").Find(&userAlbumOwner, "user_albums.user_id = ?", user.ID); err != nil { return err } if len(userAlbumOwner) == 0 { newUser := models.User{} newUser.ID = user.ID if err := tx.Model(&album).Association("Owners").Append(&newUser); err != nil { return err } } // Update album ignore album_cache.InsertAlbumIgnore(albumPath, albumIgnore) } userAlbums = append(userAlbums, album) return nil }) if transErr != nil { scanErrors = append(scanErrors, errors.Wrap(transErr, "begin database transaction")) continue } // Scan for sub-albums for _, item := range dirContent { subalbumPath := path.Join(albumPath, item.Name()) // Skip if directory is hidden if path.Base(subalbumPath)[0:1] == "." { continue } isDirSymlink, err := utils.IsDirSymlink(subalbumPath) if err != nil { scanErrors = append(scanErrors, errors.Wrapf(err, "could not check for symlink target of %s", subalbumPath)) continue } if (item.IsDir() || isDirSymlink) && directoryContainsPhotos(subalbumPath, album_cache, albumIgnore) { scanQueue.PushBack(scanInfo{ path: subalbumPath, parent: album, ignore: albumIgnore, }) } } } deleteErrors := cleanup_tasks.DeleteOldUserAlbums(db, userAlbums, user) scanErrors = append(scanErrors, deleteErrors...) return userAlbums, scanErrors } func directoryContainsPhotos(rootPath string, cache *scanner_cache.AlbumScannerCache, albumIgnore []string) bool { if contains_image := cache.AlbumContainsPhotos(rootPath); contains_image != nil { return *contains_image } scanQueue := list.New() scanQueue.PushBack(rootPath) scanned_directories := make([]string, 0) for scanQueue.Front() != nil { dirPath := scanQueue.Front().Value.(string) scanQueue.Remove(scanQueue.Front()) scanned_directories = append(scanned_directories, dirPath) // Update ignore dir list photoviewIgnore, err := getPhotoviewIgnore(dirPath) if err != nil { log.Printf("Failed to get ignore file, err = %s", err) } else { albumIgnore = append(albumIgnore, photoviewIgnore...) } ignoreEntries := ignore.CompileIgnoreLines(albumIgnore...) dirContent, err := ioutil.ReadDir(dirPath) if err != nil { scanner_utils.ScannerError("Could not read directory (%s): %s\n", dirPath, err.Error()) return false } for _, fileInfo := range dirContent { filePath := path.Join(dirPath, fileInfo.Name()) isDirSymlink, err := utils.IsDirSymlink(filePath) if err != nil { log.Printf("Cannot detect whether %s is symlink to a directory. Pretending it is not", filePath) isDirSymlink = false } if fileInfo.IsDir() || isDirSymlink { scanQueue.PushBack(filePath) } else { if cache.IsPathMedia(filePath) { if ignoreEntries.MatchesPath(fileInfo.Name()) { log.Printf("Match found %s, continue search for media", fileInfo.Name()) continue } log.Printf("Insert Album %s %s, contains photo is true", dirPath, rootPath) cache.InsertAlbumPaths(dirPath, rootPath, true) return true } } } } for _, scanned_path := range scanned_directories { log.Printf("Insert Album %s, contains photo is false", scanned_path) cache.InsertAlbumPath(scanned_path, false) } return false }