package main import ( "log" "net/http" "os" "path" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" photoview_graphql "" "" ) func main() { if err := godotenv.Load(); err != nil { log.Println("No .env file found") } devMode := os.Getenv("DEVELOPMENT") == "1" db, err := database.SetupDatabase() if err != nil { log.Panicf("Could not connect to database: %s\n", err) } defer db.Close() // Migrate database if err := database.MigrateDatabase(db); err != nil { log.Panicf("Could not migrate database: %s\n", err) } if err := scanner.InitializeScannerQueue(db); err != nil { log.Panicf("Could not initialize scanner queue: %s\n", err) } if err := scanner.InitializePeriodicScanner(db); err != nil { log.Panicf("Could not initialize periodic scanner: %s", err) } rootRouter := mux.NewRouter() rootRouter.Use(auth.Middleware(db)) rootRouter.Use(server.LoggingMiddleware) rootRouter.Use(server.CORSMiddleware(devMode)) graphqlResolver := resolvers.Resolver{Database: db} graphqlDirective := photoview_graphql.DirectiveRoot{} graphqlDirective.IsAdmin = photoview_graphql.IsAdmin(db) graphqlConfig := photoview_graphql.Config{ Resolvers: &graphqlResolver, Directives: graphqlDirective, } apiListenUrl := utils.ApiListenUrl() endpointRouter := rootRouter.PathPrefix(apiListenUrl.Path).Subrouter() if devMode { endpointRouter.Handle("/", handler.Playground("GraphQL playground", path.Join(apiListenUrl.Path, "/graphql"))) } else { endpointRouter.HandleFunc("/", func(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) { w.Write([]byte("photoview api endpoint")) }) } endpointRouter.Handle("/graphql", handler.GraphQL(photoview_graphql.NewExecutableSchema(graphqlConfig), handler.IntrospectionEnabled(devMode), handler.WebsocketUpgrader(server.WebsocketUpgrader(devMode)), handler.WebsocketInitFunc(auth.AuthWebsocketInit(db)), ), ) photoRouter := endpointRouter.PathPrefix("/photo").Subrouter() routes.RegisterPhotoRoutes(db, photoRouter) videoRouter := endpointRouter.PathPrefix("/video").Subrouter() routes.RegisterVideoRoutes(db, videoRouter) shouldServeUI := os.Getenv("SERVE_UI") == "1" if shouldServeUI { spa := routes.NewSpaHandler("/ui", "index.html") rootRouter.PathPrefix("/").Handler(spa) } if devMode { log.Printf("🚀 Graphql playground ready at %s\n", apiListenUrl.String()) } else { log.Printf("Photoview API endpoint listening at %s\n", apiListenUrl.String()) uiEndpoint := utils.UiEndpointUrl() apiEndpoint := utils.ApiEndpointUrl() log.Printf("Photoview API public endpoint ready at %s\n", apiEndpoint.String()) log.Printf("Photoview UI public endpoint ready at %s\n", uiEndpoint.String()) if !shouldServeUI { log.Printf("Notice: UI is not served by the the api (SERVE_UI=0)") } } log.Panic(http.ListenAndServe(":"+apiListenUrl.Port(), rootRouter)) }