# GRANDstack Starter - GraphQL API ## Quick Start Install dependencies: ``` npm install ``` Start the GraphQL service: ``` npm start ``` This will start the GraphQL service (by default on localhost:4000) where you can issue GraphQL requests or access GraphQL Playground in the browser: ![GraphQL Playground](img/graphql-playground.png) ## Configure Set your Neo4j connection string and credentials in `.env`. For example: *.env* ``` NEO4J_URI=bolt://localhost:7687 NEO4J_USER=neo4j NEO4J_PASSWORD=letmein ``` Note that grand-stack-starter does not currently bundle a distribution of Neo4j. You can download [Neo4j Desktop](https://neo4j.com/download/) and run locally for development, spin up a [hosted Neo4j Sandbox instance](https://neo4j.com/download/), run Neo4j in one of the [many cloud options](https://neo4j.com/developer/guide-cloud-deployment/), or [spin up Neo4j in a Docker container](https://neo4j.com/developer/docker/). Just be sure to update the Neo4j connection string and credentials accordingly in `.env`. ## Deployment You can deploy to any service that hosts Node.js apps, but [Zeit Now](https://zeit.co/now) is a great easy to use service for hosting your app that has an easy to use free plan for small projects. To deploy your GraphQL service on Zeit Now, first install [Now Desktop](https://zeit.co/download) - you'll need to provide an email address. Then run ``` now ``` to deploy your GraphQL service on Zeit Now. Once deployed you'll be given a fresh URL that represents the current state of your application where you can access your GraphQL endpoint and GraphQL Playgound. For example: https://grand-stack-starter-api-pqdeodpvok.now.sh/ ## Seeding The Database Optionally you can seed the GraphQL service by executing mutations that will write sample data to the database: ``` npm run seedDb ```