Fork 0

62 lines
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import logging
import subprocess
import tempfile
import numpy as np
log = logging.getLogger("read_swash")
class ReadSwash:
def __init__(self):
self._n_x = None
self._n_t = None
self._t = None
self._x = None
def read_nohead(cls, path):
with tempfile.TemporaryFile(mode="w+t") as tmpfile:
log.info(f"Replacing \\s with \\n in '{path}'")
subprocess.run(("sed", r"s/\s\+/\n/g;/^$/d", path), stdout=tmpfile, text=True)
log.info(f"Loading '{path}'")
a = np.asarray(tmpfile.readlines(), dtype=float)
return a
def read_time(self, path):
self._t = np.unique(self.read_nohead(path))
self._n_t = self._t.size
return self.t
def read_x(self, path):
self._x = np.unique(self.read_nohead(path))
self._n_x = self._x.size
return self.x
def read_scalar(self, path, const=False):
if const:
return self.read_nohead(path).reshape((self._n_t, self._n_x))[0, :]
return self.read_nohead(path).reshape((self._n_t, self._n_x))
def read_const(self, path):
return self.read_scalar(path, const=True)
def read_vector(self, path):
return self.read_nohead(path).reshape((self._n_t, 2, self._n_x))
def read_scalar_lay(self, path):
return self.read_nohead(path).reshape((self._n_t, -1, self._n_x))
def read_vector_lay(self, path):
return self.read_nohead(path).reshape((self._n_t, -1, 2, self._n_x))
def t(self):
return self._t
def x(self):
return self._x