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291 lines
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package scanner
import (
func findAlbumsForUser(db *sql.DB, user *models.User, album_cache *AlbumScannerCache) ([]*models.Album, []error) {
// Check if user directory exists on the file system
if _, err := os.Stat(user.RootPath); err != nil {
if os.IsNotExist(err) {
return nil, []error{errors.Errorf("Photo directory for user '%s' does not exist '%s'\n", user.Username, user.RootPath)}
} else {
return nil, []error{errors.Errorf("Could not read photo directory for user '%s': %s\n", user.Username, user.RootPath)}
type scanInfo struct {
path string
parentId *int
scanQueue := list.New()
path: user.RootPath,
parentId: nil,
userAlbums := make([]*models.Album, 0)
albumErrors := make([]error, 0)
// newPhotos := make([]*models.Photo, 0)
for scanQueue.Front() != nil {
albumInfo := scanQueue.Front().Value.(scanInfo)
albumPath := albumInfo.path
albumParentId := albumInfo.parentId
// Read path
dirContent, err := ioutil.ReadDir(albumPath)
if err != nil {
albumErrors = append(albumErrors, errors.Wrapf(err, "read directory (%s)", albumPath))
tx, err := db.Begin()
if err != nil {
albumErrors = append(albumErrors, errors.Wrap(err, "begin database transaction"))
log.Printf("Scanning directory: %s", albumPath)
// Make album if not exists
albumTitle := path.Base(albumPath)
_, err = tx.Exec("INSERT IGNORE INTO album (title, parent_album, owner_id, path) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)", albumTitle, albumParentId, user.UserID, albumPath)
if err != nil {
albumErrors = append(albumErrors, errors.Wrap(err, "insert album into database"))
row := tx.QueryRow("SELECT * FROM album WHERE path = ?", albumPath)
album, err := models.NewAlbumFromRow(row)
if err != nil {
albumErrors = append(albumErrors, errors.Wrapf(err, "get album from database (%s)", albumPath))
userAlbums = append(userAlbums, album)
// Commit album transaction
if err := tx.Commit(); err != nil {
albumErrors = append(albumErrors, errors.Wrap(err, "commit database transaction"))
// Scan for sub-albums
for _, item := range dirContent {
subalbumPath := path.Join(albumPath, item.Name())
// Skip if directory is hidden
if path.Base(subalbumPath)[0:1] == "." {
if item.IsDir() && directoryContainsPhotos(subalbumPath, album_cache) {
path: subalbumPath,
parentId: &album.AlbumID,
deleteErrors := deleteOldUserAlbums(db, userAlbums, user)
albumErrors = append(albumErrors, deleteErrors...)
return userAlbums, albumErrors
func directoryContainsPhotos(rootPath string, cache *AlbumScannerCache) bool {
if contains_image := cache.AlbumContainsPhotos(rootPath); contains_image != nil {
return *contains_image
scanQueue := list.New()
scanned_directories := make([]string, 0)
for scanQueue.Front() != nil {
dirPath := scanQueue.Front().Value.(string)
scanned_directories = append(scanned_directories, dirPath)
dirContent, err := ioutil.ReadDir(dirPath)
if err != nil {
ScannerError("Could not read directory: %s\n", err.Error())
return false
for _, fileInfo := range dirContent {
filePath := path.Join(dirPath, fileInfo.Name())
if fileInfo.IsDir() {
} else {
if isPathImage(filePath, cache) {
cache.InsertAlbumPaths(dirPath, rootPath, true)
return true
for _, scanned_path := range scanned_directories {
cache.InsertAlbumPath(scanned_path, false)
return false
func deleteOldUserAlbums(db *sql.DB, scannedAlbums []*models.Album, user *models.User) []error {
if len(scannedAlbums) == 0 {
return nil
albumPaths := make([]interface{}, len(scannedAlbums))
for i, album := range scannedAlbums {
albumPaths[i] = album.Path
// Delete old albums
album_args := make([]interface{}, 0)
album_args = append(album_args, user.UserID)
album_args = append(album_args, albumPaths...)
albums_questions := strings.Repeat("?,", len(albumPaths))[:len(albumPaths)*2-1]
rows, err := db.Query("SELECT album_id FROM album WHERE album.owner_id = ? AND path NOT IN ("+albums_questions+")", album_args...)
if err != nil {
return []error{errors.Wrap(err, "get albums to be deleted from database")}
defer rows.Close()
deleteErrors := make([]error, 0)
deleted_album_ids := make([]interface{}, 0)
for rows.Next() {
var album_id int
if err := rows.Scan(&album_id); err != nil {
deleteErrors = append(deleteErrors, errors.Wrapf(err, "parse album to be removed (album_id %d)", album_id))
deleted_album_ids = append(deleted_album_ids, album_id)
cache_path := path.Join("./photo_cache", strconv.Itoa(album_id))
err := os.RemoveAll(cache_path)
if err != nil {
deleteErrors = append(deleteErrors, errors.Wrapf(err, "delete unused cache folder (%s)", cache_path))
if len(deleted_album_ids) > 0 {
albums_questions = strings.Repeat("?,", len(deleted_album_ids))[:len(deleted_album_ids)*2-1]
if _, err := db.Exec("DELETE FROM album WHERE album_id IN ("+albums_questions+")", deleted_album_ids...); err != nil {
ScannerError("Could not delete old albums from database:\n%s\n", err)
deleteErrors = append(deleteErrors, errors.Wrap(err, "delete old albums from database"))
return deleteErrors
// func cleanupCache(database *sql.DB, cache *ScannerCache, user *models.User) {
// // Delete old photos
// photo_args := make([]interface{}, 0)
// photo_args = append(photo_args, user.UserID)
// photo_args = append(photo_args, cache.photo_paths_scanned...)
// photo_questions := strings.Repeat("?,", len(cache.photo_paths_scanned))[:len(cache.photo_paths_scanned)*2-1]
// rows, err = database.Query(`
// SELECT photo.photo_id as photo_id, album.album_id as album_id FROM photo JOIN album ON photo.album_id = album.album_id
// WHERE album.owner_id = ? AND photo.path NOT IN (`+photo_questions+`)
// `, photo_args...)
// if err != nil {
// ScannerError("Could not get deleted photos from database: %s\n", err)
// return
// }
// defer rows.Close()
// deleted_photo_ids := make([]interface{}, 0)
// for rows.Next() {
// var photo_id int
// var album_id int
// if err := rows.Scan(&photo_id, &album_id); err != nil {
// ScannerError("Could not parse photo to be removed (album_id %d, photo_id %d): %s\n", album_id, photo_id, err)
// }
// deleted_photo_ids = append(deleted_photo_ids, photo_id)
// cache_path := path.Join("./photo_cache", strconv.Itoa(album_id), strconv.Itoa(photo_id))
// err := os.RemoveAll(cache_path)
// if err != nil {
// ScannerError("Could not delete unused cache photo folder: %s\n%s\n", cache_path, err)
// }
// }
// if len(deleted_photo_ids) > 0 {
// photo_questions = strings.Repeat("?,", len(deleted_photo_ids))[:len(deleted_photo_ids)*2-1]
// if _, err := database.Exec("DELETE FROM photo WHERE photo_id IN ("+photo_questions+")", deleted_photo_ids...); err != nil {
// ScannerError("Could not delete old photos from database:\n%s\n", err)
// }
// }
// if len(deleted_album_ids) > 0 || len(deleted_photo_ids) > 0 {
// timeout := 3000
// notification.BroadcastNotification(&models.Notification{
// Key: utils.GenerateToken(),
// Type: models.NotificationTypeMessage,
// Header: "Deleted old photos",
// Content: fmt.Sprintf("Deleted %d albums and %d photos, that was not found on disk", len(deleted_album_ids), len(deleted_photo_ids)),
// Timeout: &timeout,
// })
// }
// }
func ScannerError(format string, args ...interface{}) {
message := fmt.Sprintf(format, args...)
log.Printf("ERROR: %s", message)
Key: utils.GenerateToken(),
Type: models.NotificationTypeMessage,
Header: "Scanner error",
Content: message,
Negative: true,
func PhotoCache() string {
photoCache := os.Getenv("PHOTO_CACHE")
if photoCache == "" {
photoCache = "./photo_cache"
return photoCache