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package routes
import (
// SpaHandler implements the http.Handler interface, so we can use it
// to respond to HTTP requests. The path to the static directory and
// path to the index file within that static directory are used to
// serve the SPA in the given static directory.
type SpaHandler struct {
staticPath string
indexPath string
func NewSpaHandler(staticPath string, indexPath string) SpaHandler {
return SpaHandler{
indexPath: indexPath,
staticPath: staticPath,
// ServeHTTP inspects the URL path to locate a file within the static dir
// on the SPA handler. If a file is found, it will be served. If not, the
// file located at the index path on the SPA handler will be served. This
// is suitable behavior for serving an SPA (single page application).
func (h SpaHandler) ServeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
// get the absolute path to prevent directory traversal
path, err := filepath.Abs(r.URL.Path)
if err != nil {
// if we failed to get the absolute path respond with a 400 bad request
// and stop
http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusBadRequest)
// prepend the path with the path to the static directory
path = filepath.Join(h.staticPath, path)
// check whether a file exists at the given path
_, err = os.Stat(path)
if os.IsNotExist(err) {
// file does not exist, serve index.html
http.ServeFile(w, r, filepath.Join(h.staticPath, h.indexPath))
} else if err != nil {
// if we got an error (that wasn't that the file doesn't exist) stating the
// file, return a 500 internal server error and stop
http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
// otherwise, use http.FileServer to serve the static dir
http.FileServer(http.Dir(h.staticPath)).ServeHTTP(w, r)